Winning Variant defines an “assignment” as the variant a subject is assigned within an experiment.


Imagine you have a series of experiments running on your website:

Experiment IDDescriptionSubject Type
HOME-CTARed/blue/green CTA button on home pageANONYMOUS_ID
CART-NOTICEShow a notice after 30s to improve cart abandonment.ANONYMOUS_ID
FEATURE-CALLOUTShow a new feature callout in-app and see if engagement increases.USER_ID

Vanessa is a known user on your platform. When she accesses your website, she has two subject IDs:

  1. Anonymous ID (ANONYMOUS_ID): anon_0001
  2. Known User ID (USER_ID): user_0001

If Vanessa enters all 3 experiments, she’ll have 3 assignments:

Experiment IDSubject IDAssignment IDExperiment Variant


Assignments are immutable (with a few administrative exceptions) and contain context to when they are created. Specifically, an assignment has timestamp of when it was created and the cohort number within the experiment they entered in. This allows you to properly attribute a subject’s actions to their cohort and/or when they first experienced an experiment.

Assignment Data

Read more about the raw assignment data that’s provided from the application.